Wednesday, 23 June 2010

demolition of pudu prison

A para frm wikipedia on introduction of our pudu jail-"The Pudu Prison was built in 1895 as a prison in Malaysia near the centre of Kuala Lumpur. It was used to house criminals including drug offenders and was a location for administering corporal punishment by rotan caning. The canings were administered in a special "caning area", so marked, not inside the building but in the grounds. It is no longer used as a prison and while it was once open as a museum, it is currently a police station and can be viewed only from the outside. (A clear view is obtained from the monorail train between Imbi and Hang Tuah stations.) Currently, it serves as a day-holding facility for prisoners attending court hearings." Pudu Prison a.k.a Pudu Jail was built by the British in 1895 as a prison in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur area and it had once displayed the world's longest mural.

This could be another landmark reminding Malaysians and tourists of the place, where local&foreign prisoners and prisoners of war from Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Japanwere once held during World War 2. However, there's decision to tear down the 114-year-old prison made by gov which studied the matter and decided that it's not a heritage site and will not be turned into one. no effort being shown by gov in retaining part of the historic Pudu jail, num of objections frm various authorities which would like to preserve for posterity tho.

Despite public objection to the citys historic landmark being destroyed, demolition work continued for the project, aimed at easing traffic congestion in the area with construction of an underpass. The road expansion project costing about RM83 million will enable motorists to bypass the crossroads next to the old prison.
Besides that, gov has another plan of developing with UDA Holdings which it will becomes a mixed development zone would include a transit centre serviced apartments office spaces recreational areas hotel and commercial spaces that generates profit.

the moment watching the pudu jail being demolished whn passing by last nite, sad and regret as i can expressed and no intention to stop my walk. as own point of view, isnt a heritage much more valued than developing? anyway, there's a fact to be.

Monday, 21 June 2010

cloudy days ahead

hm...seems not a really good day for me on early the sense at a sudden last nite that i will be receiving the result usual, opened my mail accounts whn reached,  received an email which my application failed due to the feedback of interviewer need to improve english language after asking for the reason of failure. hm...feel bit down and unfair to me frankly after get this feedback. i thought the reason of failure will b my rude attitude when keep shooting by the interviewer on the same matter during the directors' session and i felt frustrated on answering them anymore. get scolded by mum bcoz of my temper whn telling her the reason of the result and the interview conversations. doubting: M i really so easy to let ppl read into my mind thru expression?sigh-iiiing...

well,it's just felt like i quite 'fan jian'(chinese) on the deed done. reject a company that i dun really want a week ago and being rejected by the co i want a week after. has a stronger determination to seek job in spore after receiving this result...just like msg/hint/guide given frm god whr should i lead to...u give,n take away from me..which yr going to give sth new into my life? anyway,further on depositing resume process  to some interested companies been searched in kl n spore..wish myself luck...i need a career,i need money to survive,need to think for my future...just put aside the other matters at this moment now..

'when u believe there's good,it'll be good'..cloudy days will be away....

Friday, 21 May 2010

fei lou n fei poh trip???

ok,did sth crazy...v had our sing k session on wed nite and had made it for 8hours non stop!!!!marvelous!!!haha...there's a special n abit to describe the situation?abit bit chaos..there's a cake delivered to our room(sing k package taken) n suddenly made our mind to celebrate khien's bday earlier...n bit out of control v get the cream frm the cake n 'helping' each other to make up on face...ends up 4 of us became kitten's looks....yes v all did enjoy on this session besides jacky enjoyed his sleeping time thr.....

thinking of the end of the stories?definitely not!!!! we had our lunch together with diff gang of ppl get together...-weiqi,susu,khien,elwes,petai(peter)ng n jacky(hvn get a 'special' name for him yet tim)..had the food tht v like:- butter milk chic,marmite bones, sizzling toufu, mongo chic...yums nice lunch?cheras~klang~tg malim~ipoh...fetched 2kee siao guy to ipoh n make our journey all just act like kee siao....dinner at tg malim.loves the 'yuet gong hor' so miss it...n finally be home!!!yea!!!

joined the 2 kee siao guy ipoh makan trip with the dimsum and tea time @starbucks....n v really hm...bit bit make our reputation spoilt...keep laughing keep nonsenc-ing...n it makes us feel full?haha....n there's a name of this 5 ppl called as fei lou fei po gang....5 of us also love to to seek nice food....waiting for the following nice makan trip in future ;)

Monday, 17 May 2010


2weeks left to grab all notes into my mind...physically n mentally stress have...everyday busy n rushing of works,handling those stupid matter which really examining my EQ and really just would like to get resolve by way else...n fighting with the nite time left for studying....n ofcoz a cup of coffee at least for everyday..;) every moment every min i have is a treasure...will i get crazy soon?thinking so...too much stress on myself which made me emo&cry easily lately...sorry guys which made trouble to u all...i knw u guys try to cheer me up yet this my problem to get away frm the nervous n scare..frankly,i stil rmb the advices tht seek frm tian hou temple...i knw i need a stronger will on my determination to go through...i want to overcome it which believe that my will can affect to my fate instead controlling by others.yet sometimes..i will think of giving up while the time migraine&gastric come together(fragile?) of attraction: i will be a strong spider,i can beat all these down n get wat i want..i want to pass my exam.i want to achieve wat i planned for my future.

would like to participate the star walk...but...nvm,there's a chance for following yr,missed twice tho...cant wait for sing k session,chilling out after exam...yuhoo!!!!!excited on that le...tho bit bit sua ku...;P

pain....should i have strong feel on this?i dunno..the moment decision made n everything seems controlled by u instead of me,i have disqualified to say so...i not dare to look back n just keep looking forward to get some way to resolve. in fact,im not those gal type which will keep crying,sad n ask u think twice for breaking up matter. wat should i response when yr fren try to explain on behalf of u? 3months past leh.significantly,u have no confident and trust me. do u ask for my view when making decision not to involve and get me apart frm all these n bear by yrself?

sometimes....i really just wish to get an ordinary life instead of excitement all the times...just a simple yet interesting life..this is wat i really not those mind with complication....happy with family n frens thts all... 'shua xin ji' really....sure lose....basically,i will just announce u as winner...'jin shui bu fan he shui'...dun kacau me la....

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


没什么特别的东西记载,却只需要一通管道让我发泄这无形的压力情绪,压抑得让我开始喘不过气了...太多无法确定的事情还需要谢谢去解决,尤其是自己未来的日子..自己的命运掌握在自己的手里,每一步踏进社会里的路都得三思而行..不同的选择也必定造就完全不一样的人生.生命中不可承受之情,就在于人生没有重来 的机会啊。

考试的压力存在也开始明显成形了 已无法去忽略了 也不能再逃避什么了...现在的我 是迷茫地,无从开始..虽然有时候的我拥有冒险家的精神, 只可惜永远在学业上都派不上场. 习惯性逃避 习惯性懦弱 习惯性地害怕... 在我人生里,什么都不怕 就是怕考试和感情方面...眼泪也只是用在考试..可笑吧? 近来围绕着我的思绪都是我是否选择对的道路而行...朋友们想不透为何我会选择行政秘书这科,是因为我的性格吗?曾经的它让我觉得蛮挑战性的,让我拥有个奋斗的目标..而现在,它确实压力的泉源,也许犹如说的,之前的工作范围和吓坏了我...毕竟我是先学跑和跳 并不是走和爬....坦言地,我还是喜欢工作上给我的挑战...老天爷爷,虽然有点点临时抱佛脚且贪婪,希望您可以听见我夜夜地祷告..让我拥有更大的勇气和信心走下去...虽然我知道我拥有的幸福应该知足了..........

Monday, 5 April 2010


不 是所有的人都得了解你,因此你认为不必对全世界喊话。却 也有时候,你被最爱的人误解,你难过到不想争辩,也只有 选择沈默。全世界都可以不懂你,但他应该懂,若他竟然不 能懂,还有什么话可说?那么,不想说话,就不说吧,在多说无 益的时候,也许沈默就是最好的解释。
在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告诉你:要坚强, 而且要快乐。坚强是绝对需要的,但是快乐?在这种情形 下,恐怕是太为难你了。毕竟,谁能在跌得头破血流的时候 还觉得高兴?但是至少可以做 到平静。平静地看待这件事,平静地把其他该处理的事处理好。平静,没有快乐,也没有不快乐。

人生是一条有无限多岔口的长路,永远在不停地做选择。如果 只是选择吃炒面或炒饭,影响似乎不大,但选择读什么科系、 做什么工作、结婚或不结婚、要不要有孩子,每一个选择 都影响深远,而不同的选择也必定造就完全不一样的人生。 生命中不可承受之情,就在于人生没有重来 的机会啊。如果当初如何如何,现在就不会怎样怎样。。。这种充满怅然的喃喃自语,还是别再多说了吧。每一个岔口的选择其实没有真正的好与坏,只要把人生看 成是自己。独一无二的创作,就不会频频回首如果当初做了不一 样的选择。

因为思虑过多,所以常会把自己的人生复杂化了。明明是活在 现在,却总是念念不忘着过去,又忧心忡忡着未来;坚持携 带着过去、未来与现在同行,你的人 生当然只有一片拖泥带水。而单纯是一种恩宠状态。单纯地以皮肤感受天气的变化,单纯地以鼻腔品尝雨后的青草香,单纯地以眼睛统摄远山近景如一幅画。单纯地活在当下。而当下其实无所谓是非真假。既然没有是非,就不必思虑;没有真假,就无须念念不忘又忧心忡忡。无是非真 假,不就像在做梦一样了吗?是呀,就单纯地把你的人生当成梦 境去执行吧。

今天的你,是不开心的你,因为有人在言语间刺伤了你。你不 喜欢吵架,所以你离开;可是你只是离开了那,却没有离开 被那人伤害的情境,因此你愈想愈生气。愈有气,你就愈没 有力气去理会别的事情,许多更该用心去做去想去处理的事 件,就在你漫天漫地的心烦意乱之中,被轻忽被漠视被省略 了。因为,你只是一心一意地在生气。在情绪上做文章,这 是对自己的浪费,而且是很坏的浪费。毕竟,生气也是要花 力气的,而且生气一定伤元气。所以,聪明如你,别让情绪控制 了你,当你又要生气之 前,不妨轻声地提醒自己一句:“别浪费了。”

曾经有一段时间,你心情低落,甚至懒得拉开窗帘,看着窗外 的阳光。因此你当然也忘了去看看,窗台上那一盆每天都需 要喝水的百合花。如此不知过了多久,总算有一天,你度过 了心情的低潮,同时也想起了你的百合。天啊,可怜的花, 它还活着吗?你战战兢兢地拉开窗帘,却见它迎风招摇,花 颜可掬。原来在过去的这段日子里,你虽然忘了喂它喝水, 老天却没忘了以雨露眷顾它呢。许多事物悄悄地在你的视线 之外进行,而且悄悄地安排好了它们自己。天生万物,天养万 物,一切其实无须担心。。。


Monday, 22 March 2010

giving up~~

giving up-just like a warning/signal telling me the things which happened ard me these days....usually, the principe that i used to persist to the last moment i have until it really needs to be certified...i would have a mind that is it really no other solutions can be solved instead of giving up?

isnt fate depend on us(認為只有自己才是自己生命的主人)????????y.....our future really couldnt be resolved by our own?no blaming to others...just only can describe this type of difficullties as shen bu you ji....this life calls so...frens who are in trouble, i only can know n do nth here...just let them keep frustrated,sad n scratching their head on troubles...feel useless sometimes eventhough knowing tht im not supergirl which everything i can fren has to give up his studies&going to overseas for working bcoz of some big troubles keep happening....which he really wish to cond his study and he feel so resist to leave everything here....

giving up as a barista that a job im really interested at due to some reasons..this is the option i can do if comparing with keep arguing with mum and aunty bcoz of this.....actually they knw i really impossible keep sitting at home and studying not really understand the reasons mum keep not allowing me to do this n that lately...whr is my mum who gives me alots of freedom gone?keep arguing when comes to those stuff,keep giving up those i like to do....these r the sources of frustration come frm yet i can do nth..

option of giving up-should i conf further the 4last ICSA papers???becomes my contradiction rather than an aim as b4...just get a feel of giving up...........

is it the rational option of giving u up?should i really angry at u instead of giving u chances have those unreasonable reasons to hurt me rite?or shall i really have a talk with u as the step i should move forward 1st as frens suggest me?should or shouldnt i???y the things looks like simple yet quite complicated and couldnt get the source of pro, i really no idea to settle it....n realised act get the feel towards more than wat i think b4...tear really drops for these nites after have a clear pic frm beginning til the end..not dare to tell anything about u n me to frens as the way i always release to, they quite angry on this...better keep silent ba and just let it gone...anyway,wat in my mind appreciate those happiness u given me rather thn this longer keep sorry and saying yrself too bad to me pls~~~

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

New chap of months~march

Finally ends of feb n approaching to another mth which there’s quite lots of changes on me.
A new mth, new env, new career/study prospects and almost everything gonna be change. Unemployed (giving cutter fish to boss for eating) to be a part time student status…going to get into kl life(hustle&bustle)…seeking for part time job…it may sounds llike abit ‘bai ga lui’ and doing nth here beside stil studying,yet this is a golden chance to think twice on wat I want to do in future….
Ljmu convo just held on last sun.. really attended it with an exhausted n sleepy look bcoz of the penang trip the days b4, rushing bck frm penang n heading to kl on the day b4… felt regret to let myself on this look..haha. feeling great to meet u guys there again although left elwes amg us…the moment we are meeting.just felt that we are really awake frm uk dreams n standing on real world now..too crowded n really hard to get friends yet stil memorable to me…thks for the buddies attending n the celebration at the same nite.

Jing yein,yr going to leave on 15th …waiting u at this year end n we hang out again tht time…rmb my souvenirs(many kiwis to me)hehe…I love them so much…n also love u…do take very good care,all the best n really enjoy the life that u want there…it must b a great experience!!!dun let pui mun n I get a green hat ah,but red hat stil acceptable le..haha… …rmb rmb rmb miss us o….

Instant noodle relationship ends…lolx..i knw actually stil owe quite some of u an explain…I just can tell u as to date tht I stil rmb whn yr asking…lo mazi,susu…no worry,can said 90% version u heard lolx…no worry of me,it will b ok for me although stil bit down n sad n wat he said actually really let me got a feel on slapping him n act like a stupid on overall. susu, read yr blog..yaya,agree.tho really wish love can be settled with either love/not love, but really as the favourite song we love "没那么简单” really not such easy yet not complicated too..'看到她好像没什么似的,还是傻傻的,开开心心的' is the best way i think to further on my life..
At this moment, I dun think I really can trust any abt love and relationship (jing yein,u knw wat’s goin on le just getting serious now only.aiks)Yet, it doesn’t mean I can get away frm this fault after thinking twice. It may the problem on telling him frankly wat im thinking at now. Release would be the much better option that enough just to rmb wat good u have given me.would respect to this decision and just accept to cond be fren as he wishes to do. No point on blaming but 及时行乐,.
Lo ma zi,I knw yr more down than me now, since it had been together for long time.dont forget u stil have us neither telling not to be so sad.sometimes, it may better not to know the ans instead of knowing,..the fact may cruel to own. y not to let own leaving with the hapinesss tht left rite?as Chinese proverb,”new doesn’t coming in if old doesn’t goin to leave”,get a new lou dou for me soon..k?hehe..
everything gonna be fine..i believe ;)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


found it n would like to share here: hm...feel quite comfort and accurate with wat describing(those highlighted parts) on me here...look at it whether it also works on the ppl who also sagittarius ard u??check it out..;)

  她喜欢做幕后的看客,冷冷地,静静地看着一切,在她眼里,一切都在她的意料之中,她并不觉得有什么是新奇的, 如果她表现得新奇,那是因为她觉得应该这样做。她像一个看戏的人,永远置身事外。
  她不敢要太多的爱,她怕享受完爱之后,剩下的只是加倍的痛。所以当别人对她过度宠爱时,她不但不会欣喜,反而会惊惧地逃走,她不知道怎样回报别人对她的爱, 如果你得到她的喜爱,那是因为她已经知道如何面对,如何回报了。
  她懂得爱人,但她不习惯爱人,她知道爱往往伴随着恨,而恨,是太沉重的伤痛 也是太容易让人疲倦的感情。她不想痛,也就懒得去恨,于是,为了防范恨与痛的到来, 她只好选择不爱,即使爱,也是淡淡的,冷冷的。别怪她,她是真的不知道如何专注。
  她有时也很虚伪。不要指责她,她之所以选择虚伪,那是你勉强她做她不愿做但又拒绝不了的事, 习惯承诺,也不懂得拒绝,她最擅长的是难为自己。她不想你难过,只好令自己难过。
  总是固执认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,她将自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。 老是担心自己的行为会让别人受到伤害。她不知道,受伤的其实是自己。只是她不知道如何表现出来, 她迷糊得像别人所认为的那样,将自己当成一个百毒不侵的人。
  别以为她很洒脱,很多时候,她其实是放不下的-——她比任何人都要敏感,都要细腻,但她不会让你知道,她明白,即使你知道了,也是无济于事。 她的心是把握不住的风,她渴望像风一样单纯而自由。
  她不是不想平静, 她只是找不到平静的理由,她一生都无法明确自己在人世要扮演的角色,她只有不停地寻求,寻求自己最终的目的。
  如果她找到了,她会毫不犹豫地停下来, 从此放弃心灵的漂泊。很遗憾,她永远也不会满足,她的追求永不停止。她的心再累,无法逼迫自己放弃梦想,梦想是她唯一的支撑点
  千万别让她失望。因为她学不会原谅,她非常渴求完美,虽然她知道世间没有绝对的完美, 但,她有绝对追求完美的执着。你若令她失望,她会不可挽回地离开,即使她的心在滴血,即使痛楚重得要压垮她的生命,她也绝不回头。
   她可以在前半分钟对你好得让你受宠若惊,也可以在后半钟冷漠得让你不可接受。不要问她为什么这样善变,她也不知道。当你看到她在疯狂地快乐或悲伤时,千 万不要迷惑,不管她看起来是多么的疯狂,她内心其实是冷静的,她比你们任何一个旁观者更知道如何处理快乐与悲伤,她只是习惯-——也可以说是喜欢将一切都 变得疯狂
  她并不如你们看到的那么快乐,同样,也不如你们看到的那么忧伤,只是,她忧郁时, 欢带上快乐的面具,而当她快乐时,忧郁又不肯轻易放过她。
   在她的世界里,盛着的不是快乐的源泉,而是她不愿在人前滴下的泪水。你看到的她,笑起来像一个孩子,你有时会认为她天真得像是童话里走出来的天使。但 是,你若有心,你会看到她沉静时脸上挥之不去的忧伤,还有她的眼底,竟那么凝重地积压着一种看破红尘的味道。她只有在午夜无人的时候,才会完全释放自 己。她不会在众目睽睽之下表露她的无助,她的彷徨,她的沧桑。


   射手座的男人兴趣很多,涉猎很广泛,但恐怕每一样都不会研究得很彻底。正因为他的兴趣广泛,跟很多人都可能有交集,因此他会有许多不同类型的朋友。有的 朋友陪他聊政治,有的陪他打球,有的跟他一块作生意。他很忙,很少有射手座的男人会给人一种闲着没事做的感觉。尤其当他突然对什么新鲜事物发生兴趣的时 侯,可能全心投入好一阵子,其它的事情(包括你)全被暂时抛在脑后去了。


   他是个绝对的乐观主义,心中有无数远大的理想,却经常容易忽略眼前的问题,因此常在加速向前冲的时侯,一不小心就栽到水沟里去了,在他身边的女人偶尔提 醒一下他的粗心是很好的,但如果在他对你高谈阔论他远大计划时,泼他一盆冷水,那就真是让他讨厌极了。其实,你真的不必太过担之他的安危,因为乐观的 射手座男子,并不容易被一些小挫败击倒,反而事实的教训会帮助他成长,让他下一次小心点。

  很多射手座的男人都有点不信邪,当你 厉的告诉他什么事不可行的时侯,他却偏要试一下才甘心。我不知道你碰到这种情况了没有?如果有,请千万不要落井下石,在旁边说风凉话,你当心他会恼羞成怒 哦!最好换一种方式,你可以说:你做的比我原先预计的好多了,你真有一套!下一次只要把改一下,保证万无一失。


   很多人说射手座的男人花心,其实我倒觉得应该说他是很喜欢跟很多女人真心交往,花言巧语的欺骗不是他的方法。前面我就说过,他是很容易与人发生交集的, 对女生当然也是一样,一旦他感觉跟某个女生有些投契的地方,他就会很愉快,很真诚的付出他的友谊和感情。其实射手座的男人愈成熟,就愈希望找到一个真正与 他心灵相投的伴侣,只可惜他们多半都不是细细观察,慢慢投入的类型,因此总是很容易开始,很容易失望,于是很容易结束,射手座的男人很少会存心始乱终弃 的。




   第三,射手座男人很爱跟朋友辩论,你要很感兴趣的听,然后在适当时机帮个腔,使他理论立于不败之地。更重要的是,千万不要限制他的自由。对于多数射手座 的男人来说,自由是他们的宝贝,不自由毋宁死,他爱你是真的,愿意和你厮守终生也是真的,但是他不会因此放弃他追求自由的权利。射手座的男人,绝不是 可以被拴在腰带上的丈夫,这一点你一定不要忘记。




   当然你也有自由发展你的世界。他通常忙碌的没时间去限制你。想要欺瞒一个射手座的男人,是件很容易的事,但是如果让他发现,将会造成无法弥补的裂痕,是他最重视的相处之道。他会尊重你的自由一如尊重他己的一样,你会有很大的空间发挥自己的事业和兴趣。但是我仍然建议你多方面尽量配合他,否则他 什么时侯掉进了别人的情网你都不知道

Saturday, 20 February 2010

大日子~一个好开始 wuhoo~~

we're in wuhoo yr now~~~happy tiger yr!!!whee...bck frm kuantan&kl trip..has been fully utilised my holiday..watched big soldier, 72 tenants of prosperity n percy jackson all in at once...phew~~ n N N..i went to kpg berserah instead going cherating since the time only allows me to choose either,kpg berserah was the 1 since it took much shorter time...really has a nice view thr,just bit regret get more time 2 search for the 'pondok'&fun at the beach...stil the same, photos will b uploaded as soon...haha...n felt happy can fun crazily with those little cousins..suyen,i think i knw y u called me as 'big children' sometimes

n the trip has been cond with kl at the 2nd last day,we has shopped at 1utama for the whole day once bck frm kuantan...n get 1 formal(my 1st clothe) among all those parties clothes frm forever 21~~haha...

finally finally, reached ip by 2day noon n rushing to attend frens bbq's felt grateful able to meet up almost all the old frens (frm other primary schools as well)...n the party times will b cond for this weekend...haha...goin bck for work on mon n N N again last day will b on 25th!!!hahaha...penang n convo will coming up too...end of feb with hustle n bustle?haha...., actually would like to tell u here d..anyway,the call tht day covered some of yr curiousity?haha... offcially start on 1st dy of cny lo..adv will b thr's no pro on both families side le, quite giving me freedom n respect as wat i wish not sticky n act both of us keep busy with own programme with frens(this is the point i believe i able to make the balance amg frens,family n us)haha ...will b long distance relationship..i think this relationship will b giving me an extra factor on making decision going bck to kl for my further career base? only intro to u guys (esmee n others) when stable le k?(u met him so many times b4,can skip intro? ;P) feel bit tension whn thinking wat he wish to get stable n more longer relationship,felt like im really like a wild horse,uncontrollable...m i making the right decision???

Saturday, 13 February 2010

happy tiger yr

just dropping down here to wish all my frens happy cny ;)

Saturday, 30 January 2010

rand0m p0st~~

昨日几位同事在办公室提及他们的岳母是多么地肮脏麻烦,听了他们的埋怨论后(没法子,他们都站在我的座位范围内) 得知其实是患上普遍的老人痴呆症...无奈他们的嗓子有点点大,真的听不下去 了,最终跑去另一边继续工作...不置可否任何批评..只是本人还是有稍稍生气一下...

不觉得很过分吗?岳母也是你的长辈啊,最可恶的是,自己的亲生儿女也是一直骂母亲,不给他吃这么多,稍微用厕太久,母亲情不自禁拉屎,他也不想啊...母亲老了生病了,就要得到这样的对待?!!是否想过,你们小的时候,同样的情景,他们都是无怨无悔地处理后善. 也许该释怀..毕竟这已是现有社会的病态..可是我还是觉得..无论长辈以前对你多坏,他们还是长辈..也许也做了许多让你生气的事情...其实他们的年纪越大,他们越期望儿女们可以听一下脚步陪陪他们,去聆听他们的心声,多给予关怀而已...也许这一切都虚伪...其实只要有那一份用心,便做到了..这些变成微不足道了,当你回想的时候..

在这后想起即将来临的毕业典礼日正巧也是公公逝世五周年.他们都来不及出席...希望他们能在不同的国度与我分享这一刻..虽然仍接受不到你们的离世即使几年过去了...铭记不忘 早上普通毛病傍晚公公就逝世,婆婆等着我考试完毕,让我见最后一面那刻..对不起不曾探望你们在身不由己情况下..对不起我以往任性我行我素的性格..对不起

Saturday, 23 January 2010

fav song~

嬉笑 打闹 拥抱
互相取暖依靠 熬过了最低潮
一起生活 也一起埋
怨过 走过最好与最糟
我在心里想的不用说明 你知道

晨昏日夜颠倒 这房子突然没从前热闹
散落一地微笑 没有人去打扫
感情很微妙 再多付出
也好 再多关心都徒劳


你用微笑回报 朋友或情人不重要
我的悲伤是如此低调 傻子才会哭闹
就算你发现也好 我想你
一定会选择 假装不知道

晨昏日夜颠倒 这房子突然没从前热闹
散落一地微笑 没有人去打扫
感情很微妙 再多付出
也好 再多关心都徒劳

你用微笑回报 朋友或情人不重要
我的悲伤是如此低调 傻子才会哭闹
就算你发现也好 我想你
一定会选择 假装不知道

你用微笑回报 朋友或情人不重要
我的悲伤是如此低调 傻子才会哭闹
就算你发现也好 我想你
一定会选择 假装不知道


likes this when listened on it at the 1st time...seldom can get nice chinese song recenly..yet this, it nice for me n would like to share this here..frm nicholas -低调

1 of the para..just like reflecting the exactly wat i would like 2 say out in a day with enough braveness on myself...everything will be alright...i stil believe so...

Sunday, 17 January 2010


time to backlogged and backdated for the photos after missing awhile from you go..yen,finally updated about belfast lolx!!!whee~~

miss my multi-purpose knife...gave to sin zyehn due to forgetness to get his souvenir during the trip...

1 of the shopping malls..likes to hang around here for shopping,watching movie etc...
                                                                                                                                                                         types of dried chiilies used to sell in ireland during the festival
the airport which brought me to belfast....stil rmb the day i reached on this land and the day i left here...and how the feeling was....

if not mistaken,it's parliament...hoho...

ulster-part of sth like our village which we called in Msia...traditional and conservative approach could be used here ;)
Queen's Uni-the famous and oldesr..n can get exemption and disct by applying master with tarc adv dip o....

beef noodles with hk's really yummy..
p/s: due to the suprises given, couldnt get any big feast of the seafoods and japanese food photos for u guys...didnt bring the camera out...yet,stil the freshness of crabs, 'lai liu har'....unbelievable for the freshness.could u imagine,the seafood just caught on the morning and eaten by me on cruel m i?

dim sum in will be more taste to Hk made since there're so many HK-ian there....the siew favourite....

my favourite season-AUTUMN~~